How to Care for Cut Flowers to Keep Them Fresh Longer
Cut flowers add beauty and charm to any home. To ensure they stay fresh as long as possible, follow these essential care tips:
1. Keep the Vase Clean
Before placing flowers in a vase, wash it thoroughly to remove any bacteria that could shorten their lifespan. Use lukewarm water and always add flower food to the water. The nutrients in flower food will help flowers stay fresh longer.
2. Trim the Stems
Cut the stems at a 45-degree angle with a sharp knife or pruner. This improves water and nutrient absorption. Re-trim the stems every 2-3 days.
3. Remove Leaves
Remove any leaves that would be submerged in water. Wet leaves decay quickly, contaminating the water and shortening the flowers’ lifespan.
4. Provide Optimal Conditions
Avoid placing the vase in direct sunlight, near heaters, or in drafty areas. Flowers thrive best in cool environments, away from fruits that emit ethylene, which accelerates wilting.
5. Change the Water Regularly
Replace the water in the vase every 2-3 days. Wash the vase thoroughly during each change, and add a fresh dose of flower food to the water.
6. Understand Your Flowers
Different types of flowers may have specific care needs. Check the requirements of your bouquet, such as water level or temperature preferences.
By following these tips and consistently using flower food, you can enjoy the beauty of cut flowers for a longer time! 🌸